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TEL: 503-348-9524

Tel: 123.456.7890



Committed to contributing to your financial goals.

Todd's Tax Preparation and Planning LLC provides expert virtual tax preparation and planning services to clients.  Todd's goals are to ensure a complete and timely return; add value to your existing tax situation; be responsive and communicate at all stages.

Talk Tax with Todd Today: 503-348-9524
We Offer


Areas of Specialty

Todd is licensed to represent clients before the IRS and can prepare and submit tax returns in all areas to the IRS, state of OR and most states.

-Individual returns – 1040s

-Trust returns - 1041s

-Free return (through IRS VITA programs) eligibility assessment (I will refer you if they can do this for you for free)

-Phone support for IRS Free File

-Education credits

-College savings / 529s

-Retirement plans

-Charitable giving /donation deductions

-Small business / independent contractor (schedule C)

-Capital gains (schedule D)

-Tax gain/loss harvesting

-Tax planning

-Small farm (schedule F)

-Foreign student /non-resident /resident alien returns

-Foreign residence / foreign bank accounts / foreign income / foreign trusts / foreign inheritance

-Small not for profit returns

We Offer
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